
We are an established service provider predominately based in both Suffolk and Essex and available to support referrals from other counties.

We provide both flexible and person centred residential services and supported living services for children/young people concentrating on promoting individuals life skill and independence.

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Where to find us

Suite 1, Ground Floor,
North Kiln, The Malt Works, 
Felaw Street, Ipswich, IP2 8SJ


Support services

  • Residential
  • Supported Living
  • Specialist Support

Disabilities this location supports

  • Autism

  • Learning disabilities

  • Complex needs

Meet our team

Vicky Cole

Registered Manager

As a registered manager for Green Rose Care for over 3 years, I am passionate about providing support to people in a way that they chose. We strive to ensure that people have great opportunities to try new experiences and have the life that they want and I am pleased to bring that experience to our latest additon,  InRoads. 

Our teams are well trained to encourage the people they support to make choices and provide care and support in a meaningful and person-centred way. We never shy away from trying to make a person’s dream come true, involving them at very stage of their plans. Involvement with family, loved ones and friends is encouraged so that the person’s potential is strengthened, and positive achievements are made.

My career as a registered nurse for people with a learning disability has allowed me to experience a wide and varied career in hospital setting and community-based services. My passion is to encourage all people despite their complex needs to embrace community life, and with the right support from value-based staff, this has been achievable at Green Rose Care.

I very much look forward to the journey ahead, making Every Moment Matter. 

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Sara Goodwin

Divisional Director

I joined Swanton Care & Community in September 2021, as the Regional Director for the East Anglian Region, since then I have had the opportunity to become the Divisional Director for the East of England.

I have been a Registered Nurse (RNLD) for over 25 years, and during that time have enjoyed a varied career within a range of settings and services at a senior level.

I have an MBA and APMP qualification.

I am proud of the team that I work with & the passion that they have for their roles and the people we support. I embrace being able to make a positive difference to the lives of the people we support and our team members.

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Chief Executive Officer Gary Thompson is the Responsible Individual for InRoads. To find out more, visit our Meet The Team page.


Download the OFSTED Inspection report for InRoads here.

Download report

The home is the brightest shing star in the local authority!

Family member
support for independent livingsupport for independent living

Residential Care

Wolves View/Wolves Lodge offer residential intensive support services for children and young people. Young people may stay on a full or short term basis, during which they will be encouraged to develop and improve life skills and build resilience and coping mechanisms to general challenges they may face on a day to day basis.

Both Wolves View and Wolves lodge can be considered as a long term placement until adult placements can be sourced or their return to their existing families or alternative family environments are found. They can also provide shorter stays which may lead to assessment and more immediate recommendations as requested by the commissioning agent.

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Supported Living

Inroads Open Care is the domiciliary branch of Inroads Essex Limited and is an independent provider of a range of flexible services, for people with learning disabilities who have additional complex and challenging needs. It also provides support to neurotypical people including elderly people and people with dementia in their place of residence whether that be home /respite /holiday or hospital environment.

Inroads Open Care strives to enhance the lives of individuals through personalised support, enabling them to promote or maintain independence, enjoy a range of educational, vocational or leisure activities, to take advantage of opportunities as they arise and to support them to live in their own homes.

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Specialist Support

Inroads has developed a highly skilled team of individuals who are able to help with and have impartial input on some of the more specialist areas of support and care planning. Some such as our PBS specialist, psychotherapist and safety first instructors are full time members of staff.

Others such as our occupational therapist, communication adviser, and mental health first aid consultant are retained by Inroads on a consultancy basis to ensure our staff team have access when it is needed.

Inroads also has a full time trainer allowing us to do bite sized training sessions in-between full training days to ensure our staff remain upskilled in the most important areas of their work such as first aid, medication training and safe guarding.

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Contact InRoads

Contact the team at InRoads - Swanton Care

01473 826192

Arrange a referral

Get in touch with us to arrange a referral

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