Billy is King of the Prom AND lifts the school’s sporting silverware

Lynnwood’s Billy cut a dashing figure when he dressed up in his smartest gear for this year’s school Prom.

The 19-year-old, who lives at Lynnwood Avenue, attended the Percy Hedley Northern Counties leavers’ party last week and had a wonderful evening.

And to top things off he was presented with a trophy for Sportsman of the Year, especially for his love of football.

The Newcastle United fan and football trick master was delighted to win the trophy and staff at Lynnwood Avenue, in Newcastle, were thrilled for him.

Deputy Manager, Stephanie Fallowfield, said the entire team was hugely proud of Billy.

She said: “He looked so smart going to the Prom, in an outfit he chose himself.

“And then to win the Sportsman trophy really was the icing on the cake. We just want to say well done to Billy for all his achievements over the past year.”

Now school is over Billy is looking forward to the summer holidays, but it won’t be long until he gets back to the world of study.

He’s just been confirmed a placement at Percy Hedley College from September. Stephanie added: “This is great news for Billy, we couldn’t be happier for him. He deserves all the success in the world.”

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