Resources & helpful tips 

We wanted to share some content in this section that hopefully is beneficial as well as insightful.

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Money Management Guide

Cost of living crisis is an issue that is affecting everyone and causing a host of financial difficulties and affecting mental health of most people. We have created a helpful guide that can aid in saving some extra pennies in this current climate.

Download our guide
Swanton gets HAPI with new Employee Benefits launch

Flu Immunisation & Covid-19 Booster 

Boost your immunitity this winter with the flu and Covid-19 vaccines. 

Click here for more information.

To view the flu vaccination guidance, please download the guide below. 

Download the guide

How to reduce energy in your home

In response to rising energy prices, many of us are looking into ways to lower our energy costs.

This guide provides advice on understanding and paying your energy bill, as well as some practical steps and tips on being more energy efficient at home.

Download the guide

Conditions and Terminology

Autism is a way to describe a developmental disability, affecting verbal and non-verbal communications and social interactions (behaviour). It is a lifelong disorder however a nonprogressive neurological disorder which can appear in the early stages of childhood. Autism can present itself in various ways and on various levels, thankfully we do have ways in which we can support and enhance life for those who live with autism.

Dementia is a collection of symptoms affecting the brain, impairing a person’s ability to remember, think or make decisions that interfere with their everyday life.

Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition that causes delays in a baby’s development. The condition affects people of all ages, races, religions and economic situations. It is important to note that Down’s syndrome is not a disease or an illness, but a condition or syndrome, and many people with Down’s syndrome go onto have jobs and live independently, living happy and fulfilled lives.

Download resource for more information (PDF)

Download awareness information (PDF)


PBS is a blend of person-centred values and behavioural science and uses evidence to inform decision-making. Behaviour that challenges usually happens for a reason and maybe the person's only way of communicating an unmet need. PBS helps us understand the reason for the behaviour so we can better meet people's needs, enhance their quality of life and reduce the likelihood that the behaviour will re-occur.

Download resource for more information (PDF)

Download Easy Read Green Behaviour Scale (PDF)

Download Easy Read Amber Behaviour Scale (PDF)

Download Easy Read Red Behaviour Scale (PDF)

Mental Capacity Act is part of a legislation that encompasses Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards and was introduced to safeguard people who are in need of care services and had an impairment of brain function or mind. MCA and DOLS was put in place to enable and support such people to make their own decisions and really promote a person centred and holistic approach to their care.

Swanton Care is probably the most caring company I have worked for, this is top priority for my manager and the support we get is second to none, training is fantastic Swanton goes above and beyond to train us to the level we need to be.

Support Worker, Swanton Care
support for independent livingsupport for independent living

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