David Builds New Friendships Across Services

A recent trip to The Dispensary gave David the chance to make some new friends during his summer of socialising.

David, who lives at Lavender Cottage, wants to develop his social skills, so he has been dropping into other Swanton services to say hello.

He got a warm welcome at The Dispensary, where a group assembled to get to know David and show him around their service.

During a fun-filled visit, David enjoyed a grand tour courtesy of Steph Alexander and was given a slice of cake.

According to Supported Living North East Manager Tracy Pochec, David had a brilliant time.

Tracy said: “It’s been great for David to get out and about to meet people supported at other Swanton services.

“He’s very interested to get to know people and always has plenty of questions.

“David is a gamer, so he likes to find out what consoles other people are playing with and what time they go to sleep at night.

“Another favourite topic is shift patterns and when the day and night staff start and finish work.

“He loves talking about the clocks changing, and he made sure to tell the day staff at The Dispensary about having to work an extra hour in October!”

After a successful spot of socialising, David got ready to go home but had one final thing to do.

Tracy explains, “David had been talking about the buses with one of the staff, and so popped outside to greet the Number 22 Arriva.

“He introduced himself to the driver before we headed off and was delighted to have the chance to say hello.”

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