Mark Makes Incredible Progress At All Saints Vicarage

The fantastic achievements of one extraordinary man have left the team at All Saints Vicarage full of pride and admiration.

Mark, who has lived at All Saints Vicarage for almost 25 years, has been given the nickname ‘Tigger’ after bouncing back from serious physical and emotional health challenges.

In the past five years, Mark has faced significant obstacles but has shown incredible resilience in bouncing back to be full of infectious energy.

Recently, with the help of his keyworker Maria, Mark has been participating in horticulture and crafting projects, which have made his parents very proud.

Service Manager Matthew Bell says that their work together has seen Mark’s confidence and creativity flourish.

Matthew said: “We are all incredibly proud of Mark – he is amazing!

“He’s been through health challenges that many others couldn’t even imagine, but each time he bounces back like his namesake ‘Tigger’.

“When he’s in his good space, he’s always full of energy and jumping up and down, just like a certain Winne the Pooh favourite!

“Watching him make such terrific progress, with Maria’s support, has been inspirational.”

Mark’s parents have been thrilled to see their son thrive, especially as he’s moved out of his comfort zone with Maria’s support.

Matthew added: “It’s very important to Mark that his Mum and Dad know all about his achievements.

“One of the challenges he faces is intense discomfort about having focused attention, as he feels easier on the periphery, watching others.

“However, with Maria’s support, Mark is achieving so much more in a way that works for him.

“Everyone here is so proud of Mark and everything he’s managed to do.”

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