Swanton’s Telford Services Launch Regional Breakfast Club

A new breakfast club is giving Swanton colleagues working in the Telford area the chance to share their experiences over a delicious bite to eat.

The Telford Breakfast Club is set up to encourage people to chat informally about things that are going well and areas that need improvement.

By sharing personal experiences, issues and solutions, the team hopes to develop even stronger bonds as the number of services in the region grows.

Swanton operates breakfast clubs across every region where services operate, so people can come together to talk about their working lives.

Peripatetic Care Manager Zoe Carter, who has launched the Telford scheme along with Locality Manager Susan Gibson, says the sessions are proving to be a real success with attendees.

Zoe said: “The Breakfast Club is there to create space and opportunity for us to share our experiences.

“Swanton’s service in Telford is growing fast, and we want to ensure we stay connected and continue to support and advise each other.

“We’ve got over 150 staff supporting people in our region, so taking that time to get to know each other, talk over our struggles and celebrate our wins is vital.”

The meetings are held every month at Meeting Point House in Telford, where colleagues can enjoy breakfast and chat.

At the last meeting, Support Worker Rita Frimpong shared her positive experience of working at Swanton.

Rita said: “I have been shown so much love from Swanton since I joined. I feel like I have been here much longer. This is a job for life.”

During the meeting, everyone saw the incredible Breakfast Club tapestry made by Pauline Clewes, a Support Worker from the Bramling service.

Zoe added: “Pauline has created a beautiful tapestry that we can display at every meeting, which is incredibly thoughtful and unique.

“We can’t thank Pauline enough for using her creative talents to make this for our Breakfast Club.”

Breakfast Club attendees in picture Lisa Warren (Regional Director) Rita Frimpong, Patricia Yeboah, Perpetual Twumwaa, Rhyan Bishop, Sherry O Sullivan And Jessica Cummings.

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