Big-hearted Mark put his baking skills to good use this November by cooking up cupcakes for charity.
Mark, who is supported at Swanton’s Eastcliffe service, decided he wanted to get involved with the national fundraiser, Children In Need.
Assisted by Support Worker Jade, Mark baked delicious chocolate buns and decorated them with sprinkles and icing.
His cake creations were so popular with the team at Eastcliffe that Mark raised a whopping £55 for the children’s charity.
Scheme Manager Chloe Parker said that everyone was thrilled with Mark’s efforts.
Chloe said: “It was so kind of Mark to bake for Children In Need and use his skills to raise money.
“The cupcakes were delicious, and Mark was happy to raise so much for the charity.
“After the cupcakes were sold, Mark wanted to go to the post office to drop off the cash, so he took a trip into town.
“It was a lovely way to round off an excellent effort.”
Team Eastcliffe was so impressed by Mark and his fundraising that he got a special accolade.
Chloe added: “We’ve nominated Mark for a Leaps and Bounds Award for his generosity and efforts.
“Additionally, Swanton has donated an extra £30 to Children In Need as part of Mark’s fundraiser.”