A new forum to give people supported at Swanton services the chance to help shape the future of the organisation has been launched during Learning Disability Awareness Week.
The forum has been created to give people supported at Swanton a platform where they can discuss experiences, concerns and feedback.
At the bi-annual ‘People We Support Forum’, Swanton CEO Gary Thompson and members of the executive team will meet with representatives from the services to discover what’s on their minds.
By sharing their valuable insights at this inclusive, collaborative platform, the people we support can take an active role in Swanton’s evolution as a care organisation.
Gary said: “We want everybody in Swanton to feel heard and valued, and we know the People We Support Forum is vital to that commitment.
“We can learn so much from the experiences of the people who are supported in our services – every voice matters.”
Following the announcement of the ‘People We Support Forum’, there’s been a call for volunteers from each service to represent their peers.
They’ll bring the thoughts, ideas and suggestions from their service to the forum, which Swanton hopes will drive positive change.
Gary added: “We’re excited to have a platform that will bring diverse voices together in this way.
“We believe that the people we support have so much to offer regarding their lived experience, ideas and feedback.
“Together, we can continue to build an inclusive culture at Swanton that will achieve the best outcomes for the people we support and our colleagues.
“I’m looking forward to having interesting, meaningful discussions with the people we support at the first forum.”